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The Authority Content Shortcut

Turn YouTube Videos into SEO Gold + High-Converting Affiliate Assets

Introducing the Content Creation Revolution Your Audience Craves (and YOU Can Profit From)

JV Info

High Converting Funnel With Recurring Commissions

In Demand Product For a Hugely Popular Topic

Launching June 3rd 2024 (WarriorPlus Launch)


Maximize Your Affiliate Earnings with Video Content Edge. 

Tap into the Power of Any YouTube Creators Expertise (In Any Niche) and Dominate Search Results...Without Years of Experience or Endless Content Creation.

This isn't some fly-by-night launch!

Video Content Edge solves a REAL, ongoing problem in a booming niche... meaning high conversions and recurring commissions.

Your audience is DESPERATE for quality content solutions. Tired of generic AI tools, they're ready for a game-changer that delivers results.

 $500 Affiliate Contest 

Top Promoters WIN BIG!

Ready to boost your earnings? We're kicking off the Video Content Edge launch with an epic affiliate contest! Here's your chance to win serious cash, just by promoting this revolutionary tool:

  • 1st Place: $300

  • 2nd Place: $150

  • 3rd Place: $50

Winners are determined by the highest revenue generated during the launch period.

Remember – our upsell offers convert like crazy, so make sure to promote those for maximum earnings potential!

Rules: You must make at least the prize amount to qualify for the full prize, in the situation where that does not happen you will win the SAME amount that you generated in commissions.

What is Video Content Edge?

Watch the demo!

This powerful AI web app allows you to tap into the expertise and authority of top-performing YouTube videos and transform them into unique, pro level SEO-optimized articles.

With Video Content Edge your audience can:

  • Build a website brimming with high-quality, expert-backed content in record time.
  • Or take advantage of the Parasite SEO ranking advantage without needing to build a site and get FAST rankings…Even for competitive keywords and topics.
  • Dominate search results and attract targeted traffic that's actively seeking solutions.
  • Effortlessly establish themselves as an authority in their niche, even if they're starting from scratch.

Why Promote?

  • Earn 50% commissions on the front-end offer and all of the funnel, plus substantial recurring commissions in our highest-converting upsell.
  • High-Demand Product With Unlimited Use and Choice of All The Top AI's (GPT4o, Claude 3, Gemini 1.5 Flash)
  • Your audience is desperate for a way to create quality content consistently, without breaking the bank or wasting endless hours, or even worse…Using generic AI content that’s instantly recognisable by readers.
  • Funnel Designed to Convert and Has Recurring Upsell That's Generated Almost $200k on Its Own with Internal Launch.
  • Proven Conversions
  • Video Content Edge solves a real pain point in a booming niche with congruent upsells, resulting in easy sales and happy customers. 
  • Promote a high converting funnel and be a part of the affiliate contest with cash prizes up for grabs!
  • Similar Tools of This Quality Sell With Recurring Monthly Fees. 
  • Upsell Features That Add Real Value To Take The Strategy Further and That I Built For Me to Use Myself 
  • $500 Cash Prizes For  Affiliate Contest


Exclusive Bonuses To Mention In Your Promos


There are no exclusive bonuses.These bonuses are high quality and for all customers.They are congruent to the launch products, and valuable additions rather than some random bonuses that will cause overwhelm.

Join our JV list

Sign up to receive launch and contest updates...
And Get Notified Of The Next & Upcoming Launches For SEO, WordPress And Insane AI Automation 



  1. We did no outreach to affiliates or any emails to the JV list
  2. Exclusive bonuses available for top affiliates
  3. Contact via skype below for more info.


Launching In:

Funnel Details

Front End: Video Content Edge
  • Price: $37.00

OTO1: Video Content Edge Pro (Extra Software Features)
  • Price: $47.00

    Dominate Your Niche: Create a variety of high-value content assets beyond articles. Generate press releases for backlinks and buzz, build irresistible lead magnets with checklists, and seamlessly repurpose your content for email marketing newsletters.
OTO2:  Video Content Edged Promotional Toolkit
  • Price: $37.00

    Maximize Your Reach: Turn your content into attention-grabbing promotional assets. Create eye-catching video ads scripts, craft engaging social media posts that get shared, and leverage the power of viral Twitter threads to drive traffic and leads.
OTO3:  Tube Traffic MIner
(Tap Into YouTube's Hidden Goldmine)
  • Price: $37

    My Secret Weapon for SEO: Discover hidden opportunities and give your content a massive ranking boost. Find valuable expired domains for instant authority, and master the expired domain redirect strategy to effortlessly outrank your competition.
OTO4: NicheBlasta
  • Price: $57 Recurring

    The Complete YouTube Content Powerhouse: Build an empire of Faceless “Cash Cow”  YouTube channels with FULL CONTENT with this AI-powered video creation suite. Produce, edit, and optimize high-quality videos that rank, attract subscribers, and scale!This tool is designed to easily build completely new channels every day, even in niches that you are not familiar with as AI does ALL the heavy lifting!

Connect to Get Access to the JV tools, swipes and Receive Your Free review copy

  • Review Copies for Top Affiliates With Proven Sales
  • WarriorPlus Platform
  • WarriorPlus Wallet

Stephanie Hayes

JV Manager

Tony Hayes

Product Creator

Promote the groundbreaking AI tool & effortlessly create high conversion  articles in ANY niche!

Multiple Strategy Tutorials, Checklists & Unannounced Bonuses

Connect With Us On Skype To Get JV Tools, Review Copy, Swipes and More Details 

50% Commissions Across The Funnel

Get JV Access to the Training & Your Review Copy Now!

  1. Review Copies Provided To Established Affiliates With Proven Sales Stats.
  2. If We Don't Know You Please Provide Some Info About Your Traffic, Previous Sales Stats As An Affiliate, And a Little Info About Yourself.
  3. Our Products Work Well With PPC, SEO, Organic Traffic & Video Marketing Niches

Yes, I Reciprocate (If Your Offer Fits My List)

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Recent Private Promos

Anthony Hayes

Hi, Since 2011 I have been teaching SEO and traffic strategies after a spell doing local marketing.

I believe that automation is hugely important to be successful in traffic generation online today and my tools are designed to kickstart your rankings and drive traffic today.
Our tools have been used to drive rankings and traffic for years and have helped thousands of marketers and built a hard core following.

Affiliate Terms & Conditions:

You must agree to our affiliate agreement before promoting our product.

In addition, you must not use the following promotional methods if approved for this affiliate program. Doing so may result in you being terminated from the affiliate program and forfeiting any outstanding commissions.

1. Sending Spam or using safe lists any kind.
2. Offering cash rebates to people who buy through your affiliate link.
3. Using negative words such as 'scam' in promotional campaign.
4. Please do not misrepresent our product/offer and follow any endorsement rules and regulations that are applicable both in the country where you are based and in the countries from which you are sending website traffic or advertising in.
5. Using cookie stuffing. If you do, you will not get paid any commissions.